
What's a Watchlist?

The Watchlist on StreamingGuide.ca is a feature that helps you keep track of movies and TV shows you're interested in. It simplifies your viewing choices by keeping them in one place, allowing you to quickly see what you've saved for later, making your entertainment decisions easier.

Is it Free?

Yes, it's absolutely free! There's no charge at all for using the Watchlist feature on StreamingGuide.ca. You can add all your favorite movies and TV shows to your Watchlist without worrying about any costs, now or in the future.

Is it Secure & Private?

Yes, it's secure and private. To create your unique login, we only need an email, username, and name. We use the best security measure to protect your privacy. Your Watchlist remains private and is not visible to anyone else. We do not share or sell your information to third parties. For a detailed overview of our commitment to your privacy, please see our privacy policy.

How to Effectively Manage Your Watchlist: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding Titles to Your Watchlist:

  1. Access Your Account: Make sure you're logged in to begin personalizing your watchlist.
  2. Open a Movie or TV Show: Navigate to the movie or TV show you wish to bookmark.
  3. Bookmark It: Look for the "+" sign located in the upper-right corner of the title's image. Clicking this will change the "+" into a checkmark, indicating the title has been successfully added to your watchlist.

Viewing Your Watchlist:

  1. Quick Access: Simply hover your cursor over your profile icon at the top right of the page and select "Watchlist" from the dropdown menu to view all your bookmarked titles.

Removing Titles from Your Watchlist:

  1. Open Your Watchlist: This can be done by accessing it through your profile as described above.
  2. Uncheck to Remove: Find the title you wish to remove and click on the blue checkmark on the title's image. The checkmark will revert to a "+" sign, signifying its removal from your watchlist.
What Device can I see my Watchlist on?

You can view your Watchlist on any device with an internet connection, such as desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and even gaming consoles. This flexibility allows you to keep track of your must-watch content from wherever you are, on your preferred device.