The Letter (2012) -

The Letter (2012)

When an aspiring writer, Sarah, receives a mysterious letter from an anonymous sender, she becomes obsessed with uncovering the identity of the writer. The narrative unfolds as Sarah embarks on a journey through the bustling streets of New York City to quiet countryside retreats, following the intricate breadcrumbs of the letters she continues to receive. Along the way, Sarah confronts old wounds, discovers hidden family secrets, and finds herself tangled in a web of passion, betrayal, and intrigue.

Length: 1h 48m
Genre: Mystery, Drama
This Title is: Suspenseful




  • Emma Thompson as Sarah
  • Tom Hanks as John, the local librarian
  • Laura Dern as Lisa, Sarah’s estranged sister
  • Ryan Reynolds as Mark, a mysterious stranger

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned)

Contains some scenes of mild violence, brief language, and thematic elements.


  • The film was shot in actual locations across New York City and upstate New York, giving it an authentic feel.
  • Emma Thompson prepared for her role by attending writing workshops and spending time in public libraries.
  • The vintage typewriter used in the film belonged to the director’s grandfather and is over 80 years old.

Our Review

“The Letter” is a captivating tale of mysteries, both external and internal. The winding storyline keeps the viewer engrossed, and the brilliant performances, especially by Emma Thompson, are a treat. The film’s pacing is well-balanced, ensuring that it never feels dragged. The city’s portrayal contrasts beautifully with the countryside, symbolizing Sarah’s tumultuous journey. A few plot elements may seem predictable, but the climax offers a rewarding twist. Visually, “The Letter” is a treat, with cinematography capturing the essence of each location perfectly. A must-watch for those who appreciate a gripping story backed by powerful performances.

Critic Scores

Critic Scores aggregate ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. (Click on any score for a detailed review.)

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