Love in the Time of Money (2002) -

Love in the Time of Money (2002)

The film “Love in the Time of Money” explores the interconnected relationships of several New Yorkers, using a series of encounters that form a chain linking characters from different walks of life. Each character is involved in a transaction of sorts, symbolic of the commodification of love and human connection in a modern capitalist society. This narrative structure examines the moral and emotional bankruptcy that can come from equating human interaction with financial gain, providing a commentary on the impersonal nature of urban life.

Length: 1h 30m
Genre: Drama, Comedy
This Title is: Thought-Provoking, Interconnected Stories

“Love in the Time of Money” IS STREAMING TODAY ON Prime Video IN CANADA


  • Steve Buscemi as Martin Kunkle
  • Rosario Dawson as Anna
  • Vera Farmiga as Greta

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R (Restricted)

Content may include adult content, sexual references, strong language, and other themes not suitable for children.


  • The film marks the directorial debut of Peter Mattei.
  • It features an early career performance by Vera Farmiga, who went on to receive widespread acclaim for her work in future projects.
  • The film was part of the official selection at the Sundance Film Festival in 2002.

Our Review

“Love in the Time of Money” provides a gritty, realistic portrayal of the emotional distances between people in an urban environment. The performances, particularly from Steve Buscemi and Vera Farmiga, are nuanced and deeply engaging. The film’s structure, akin to a play with interlocking acts, crafts an intricate tapestry of narratives that is both compelling and thoughtfully executed. Although it may not cater to mainstream tastes due to its non-linear storytelling and dark themes, it offers a candid look at the complexities of human relationships in the shadow of capitalism.

Critic Scores

Critic Scores aggregate ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. (Click on any score for a detailed review.)

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