Chapter 27 (2007) -

Chapter 27 (2007)

Chapter 27 is a dramatic exploration of the days leading up to the infamous murder of John Lennon by Mark David Chapman. The film focuses on Chapman’s mental state, his obsession with the novel “The Catcher in the Rye,” and his growing fixation on Lennon. The narrative carefully balances between Chapman’s internal turmoil and external interactions, providing a disturbing insight into his mind without glorifying his actions. It’s a psychological deep dive, seeking to understand, rather than justify, the motivations behind a notorious crime.

Length: 1h 24m
Genre: Drama, Biography, Crime
This Title is: Dark, Thought-Provoking

“Chapter 27” IS STREAMING ON Prime Video IN CANADA!



  • Jared Leto as Mark David Chapman
  • Lindsay Lohan as Jude
  • Judah Friedlander as Paul

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R – Restricted

Content includes language, disturbing images, and thematic elements.


  • Jared Leto gained significant weight to portray Mark David Chapman.
  • The film’s title refers to an imaginary chapter in “The Catcher in the Rye,” which Chapman believed held the key to his mission.
  • The movie was primarily shot in the neighborhood where the actual events took place.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

“Chapter 27” presents a chilling portrayal of a troubled individual’s descent into infamy. The film is anchored by Jared Leto’s transformative performance, which is both compelling and deeply unsettling. While the storyline stays close to historical events, the movie’s pacing and focus on Chapman’s psyche might not cater to all audiences. Visually, the film captures the era effectively but doesn’t stand out in terms of cinematographic innovation. As a piece of entertainment, it serves more as a thought-provoking character study than a conventional narrative, which might limit its appeal to a broader audience.

Critic Scores

Critic Scores aggregate ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. (Click on any score for a detailed review.)

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