12 Angry Men (1957) - StreamingGuide.ca

12 Angry Men (1957)

An intense courtroom drama, “12 Angry Men” is a tale of a jury’s deliberation in a capital murder trial. The plot unfolds in a jury room where 12 jurors must decide the fate of an 18-year-old boy accused of killing his father. At the beginning, almost everyone is convinced of the boy’s guilt, except for one man, Juror #8, who questions the evidence and insists on discussing the case in detail. As the deliberations progress, prejudices, biases, and personal vendettas surface, while the story examines the nature of justice, morality, and doubt.

Length: 1 Hr 36 Min
Genre: Drama, Crime, Mystery



  • Henry Fonda as Juror #8
  • Lee J. Cobb as Juror #3
  • Martin Balsam as Juror #1
  • Jack Warden as Juror #7

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: Not Rated

Despite its intense subject matter, there’s no violence or strong language. However, younger viewers might find the plot complexities challenging.


  • Almost the entire movie takes place in one room, making the setting one of the most unique elements.
  • Director Sidney Lumet had the actors rehearse for weeks to fully understand their characters and relationships.
  • The film was Henry Fonda’s production debut.

Our Review

“12 Angry Men” is a masterclass in character development, narrative tension, and the exploration of human nature. With minimal settings and a storyline confined to one room, the film magnifies the emotions, prejudices, and personalities of its characters. Each juror not only represents a viewpoint on the case but also a slice of society, making this film timeless and highly relevant even today. A must-watch for anyone who appreciates thought-provoking cinema.

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