500 Days in the Wild (2024) - StreamingGuide.ca

500 Days in the Wild (2024)

500 Days in the Wild is a documentary that captures the extraordinary journey of Dianne Whelan, who travels across Canada by hiking, biking, and paddling. For a woman in her 50s who is not an extreme athlete, it was sometimes grueling, occasionally harrowing, often exhilarating, and always surprising. She started out alone, disillusioned with the state of the world and worried about climate change, to look for different ways of caring for the land and each other. She ended the journey a bit wiser, more hopeful, in love, and with a passion to share this story.

You can watch 500 Days in the Wild on Paramount+ in Canada.

Length: 2h0m
Genre: Documentary
This Title is: A momentous cheer for, as Dianne puts it, “women over 50 who kick butt”.


  • Dianne Whelan

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R

Given the nature of the journey, viewer discretion for younger audiences is advised.


  • Dianne Whelan is the first person to travel the entire Trans Canada Trail, the world’s longest hiking trail, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific.
  • The documentary weaves Dianne’s adventures with her cross-cultural visits with Indigenous peoples along the way.
  • The feature documentary is culled from 800 hours of footage, capturing the vast and varying landscapes of Canada as well as Dianne’s interactions with the land and its people.


Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

“500 Days in the Wild” is a mesmerizing documentary that shines a light on both the resilience of the human spirit and the urgent need for environmental stewardship. Dianne Whelan’s journey across Canada, covering the Trans Canada Trail, is nothing short of inspiring. Viewers have lauded the film for its breathtaking visuals and the deeply personal, yet universal story of adventure, self-discovery, and connection to nature. While the documentary’s pacing and focus on personal journey over technical challenges have received mixed reactions, the overall reception highlights its success in evoking a sense of wonder and reflection on our relationship with the natural world. It stands as a compelling narrative that encourages viewers to reconsider their impact on the environment and the importance of preserving it for future generations.”

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