The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) -

The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)

The Peanut Butter Falcon is an adventure story that follows Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, who escapes from a residential nursing home to pursue his dream of attending the professional wrestling school of his idol, The Salt Water Redneck. On his journey, Zak meets Tyler, a troubled outlaw who becomes Zak’s coach and ally. Together, they sail through deltas, elude capture, drink whisky, find God, catch fish, and convince Eleanor, a kind nursing home employee charged with Zak’s return, to join them on their journey.

Length: 1h 37m
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Comedy
This Title is: Inspirational and Heartwarming

“The Peanut Butter Falcon” IS STREAMING TODAY ON Netflix IN CANADA!



  • Shia LaBeouf as Tyler
  • Zack Gottsagen as Zak
  • Dakota Johnson as Eleanor

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: PG-13 (for thematic content, language throughout, some violence and smoking)

Content warnings include language, mild violence, and smoking.


  • Zack Gottsagen, who has Down syndrome, is the first actor with Down syndrome to be a lead in a feature film.
  • The film was inspired by Zack Gottsagen himself; the writers and directors crafted the story after meeting him at a camp for actors with disabilities.
  • The title of the movie is a reference to Zak’s wrestling persona which he dreams of achieving.

Our Review

“The Peanut Butter Falcon” emerges as a modern Mark Twain-esque adventure. It is a film that is both humorous and touching, carried by strong performances from Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson, and especially Zack Gottsagen. The chemistry between LaBeouf and Gottsagen is a highlight, offering a blend of laughter and heartfelt moments. The film’s portrayal of disability is handled with respect and authenticity, largely thanks to Gottsagen’s inspiring performance. This movie is a feel-good experience, perfect for viewers seeking both entertainment and a meaningful story.

Critic Scores

Critic Scores aggregate ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. (Click on any score for a detailed review.)

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