Midsummer Night (2024) - StreamingGuide.ca

Midsummer Night (2024)

Set during a traditional midsummer party in Sweden, “Midsummer Night” unravels as Carina and Johannes decide to reveal a long-hidden secret to their friends and family. This revelation sets off a series of unforeseen events, challenging the dynamics of relationships and secrets. The story encapsulates themes of love, betrayal, and forgiveness, wrapped in a drama filled with humor and real-life challenges.

You can watch “Midsummer Night” on Netflix in Canada.

Length: 5 Episodes Limited Series
Genre: Drama
This Title is: Emotionally engaging and reflective


Pernilla August, Dennis Storhøi, Christopher Wollter, Amalia Holm, Kim Falck, Fanny Klefelt

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R – Contains themes of personal secrets and relationship dynamics


  • The series is directed by Per-Olav Sørensen, known for “Home for Christmas” and “The Playlist”.
  • It’s a Norwegian series, but set during a Swedish midsummer celebration, blending cultural elements.
  • The plot explores the impact of secrets within a long-standing marriage.


Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

This intriguing Norwegian drama weaves a compelling tale around a midsummer celebration gone awry. With a mix of emotional depth and cultural nuances, the series promises an engaging watch, driven by strong performances and a poignant storyline that explores the complexity of personal relationships.

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