Dusty Slay: Workin' Man (2024) - StreamingGuide.ca

Dusty Slay: Workin’ Man (2024)

Dusty Slay: Workin’ Man is a stand-up comedy special featuring comedian Dusty Slay. The show captures Slay’s unique comedic style, where he shares his perspectives on everyday life with a blend of humor that’s both relatable and distinctly his own. The special includes jokes about topics ranging from hipster coffee shops and country music to the humorous aspects of shirt-tucking. Slay, known for his Southern charm and laid-back demeanor, delivers his set in an intimate theater setting, engaging the audience with his signature phrase, “we’re having a good time.”

Length: 1h
Genre: Comedy
This Title is: Lighthearted and Humorous

Dusty Slay: Workin’ Man is New on Netflix in Canada!



  • Dusty Slay


  • The special was filmed in May 2023 at Knoxville’s Bijou Theatre.
  • This is Dusty Slay’s first full-hour comedy special on Netflix.
  • Slay made his Netflix debut on “The Standups” in 2021.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

This comedy special showcases Dusty Slay’s unique humor and storytelling style. While the special has its moments of charm and relatability, it also has segments that may not resonate with all viewers. The intimate setting and Slay’s engagement with the audience add to the overall experience, making it a comfortable watch for those who enjoy a more laid-back style of comedy.

Critic Scores

Critic Scores aggregate ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. (Click on any score for a detailed review.)

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