Backed by the Bros - Season 1 (2024) -
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Backed by the Bros – Season 1 (2024)


Drew and Jonathan Scott assist inexperienced entrepreneurs in making high-stakes decisions on investment properties. With their expertise and resources, they guide these investors toward successful ventures in the real estate market.

You can watch “Backed by the Bros – Season 1 (2024)” on Global TV in Canada.

Length: 1h per episode
Genre: Reality, Business
This Title is: Inspiring, Educational


John Robb, Drew Scott, Jonathan Silver Scott

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: TV-G – Suitable for all ages


  • The show marks the first major collaboration between Drew and Jonathan Scott on a business-focused series.
  • Filming locations include various investment properties across the United States.
  • The series provides real-world insights into property investment and management.


Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

Backed by the Bros brings an inspiring and educational approach to reality TV, with Drew and Jonathan Scott providing valuable insights into real estate investment. The show’s quality production, engaging cast, and informative content make it a standout in the genre. Viewers can expect a well-rounded and entertaining experience, learning alongside the entrepreneurs featured on the show.

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