Poor Things (2023) - StreamingGuide.ca

Poor Things (2023)

Poor Things presents a captivating narrative that looks into themes of life, identity, and freedom, all through the lens of a fantastical and surreal adventure. Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, and starring Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, and Willem Dafoe, the movie crafts a unique tapestry that blends elements of drama and fantasy. The plot, rooted in Alasdair Gray’s novel, reimagines the Frankenstein mythos with a focus on Bella Baxter, a resurrected young woman exploring her new life with unabated curiosity and determination. The film’s commitment to exploring complex themes alongside its stellar cast has garnered attention and anticipation.

You can watch Poor Things on Disney+ in Canada.

Length: 2h 21m
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
This Title is: Adventurous, Thought-provoking


  • Emma Stone as Bella Baxter
  • Mark Ruffalo as Duncan Wedderburn
  • Willem Dafoe as Dr. Godwin Baxter

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R

Strong and pervasive sexual content, graphic nudity, disturbing material, gore, and language.


  • The film is directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, known for his unique and surreal filmmaking style.
  • Based on the 1992 novel by Alasdair Gray, offering a modern take on the Frankenstein myth.
  • Emma Stone’s character, Bella Baxter, embarks on a journey that challenges the societal norms of her time.


Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

Poor Things is a testament to Yorgos Lanthimos’s distinctive directorial vision, marked by its surreal narrative and compelling character arcs. The performances, particularly by Emma Stone, provide a depth that elevates the film’s intricate storyline. While the plot’s complexity and the film’s unique tone might not resonate with all audiences, its bold storytelling and visual flair make it a memorable cinematic experience. Critics and viewers alike praise the movie for its originality and the way it provocatively explores themes of identity and autonomy against a backdrop of fantastical elements and historical settings. However, some detractors cite its unconventional approach and pacing as points of contention, though these aspects also contribute to the film’s distinct charm and appeal.

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