Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo (2024) -

Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo (2024)

“Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo” offers an exclusive peek behind the curtains of the groundbreaking series “Echo,” revealing the dedication and innovative efforts of the cast and crew. This special documentary illuminates the creative journey of bringing Maya Lopez’s character to life, highlighting the significant steps taken to authentically portray the deaf experience and Native American culture. Viewers are treated to in-depth interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and discussions that showcase the meticulous attention to detail and collaborative spirit that defines Marvel Studios’ approach to storytelling.

Length: 47min
Genre: Documentary
This Title is: Informative, Insightful

Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo is New on Disney+ in Canada!



  • Alaqua Cox – Maya Lopez / Echo
  • Vincent D’Onofrio – Wilson Fisk / Kingpin
  • Charlie Cox – Matt Murdock / Daredevil

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: PG-13

Content includes themes related to cultural representation and the experiences of the deaf community, suitable for viewers over 13.


  • The documentary highlights the collaboration between Marvel Studios and the Choctaw Nation to ensure a respectful and accurate portrayal of Native American culture.
  • It showcases the efforts made by the production team to learn American Sign Language (ASL) to authentically depict the deaf experience.
  • “The Making of Echo” is part of the “Marvel Studios Assembled” series of documentaries that provide a deep dive into the making of Marvel’s films and series.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

“Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo” has been lauded for its in-depth exploration of the creative process behind one of Marvel’s most unique series. Critics and audiences alike have praised the documentary for its detailed portrayal of the cultural aspects of the story, including the representation of the deaf community and Native American traditions. The special has been noted for its educational value, shedding light on the complexities involved in creating a series that respects its diverse characters and their backgrounds. However, some viewers wished for more focus on the technical aspects of the production, such as special effects and action choreography. Overall, the documentary provides a well-rounded look at the making of “Echo,” combining informative content with engaging storytelling.”

Critic Scores

Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Echo has received a Great Review by the critics

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