Edward Scissorhands (1990) - StreamingGuide.ca

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

In a quaint suburban town, a peculiar and gentle man with scissors for hands, Edward, is discovered by a local Avon saleswoman. Taken into her home, Edward’s unique talent for topiary art and hairdressing makes him an instant celebrity. However, his inability to touch those he loves without harming them and the community’s growing mistrust create a poignant narrative of acceptance and the search for identity.

Length: 1h 45m
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance
This Title is: A touching exploration of isolation, creativity, and the desire to be understood

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  • Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands
  • Winona Ryder as Kim Boggs
  • Dianne Wiest as Peg Boggs

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: PG-13

Contains themes of isolation and non-graphic violence.


  • The movie was inspired by director Tim Burton’s own feelings of isolation during his childhood.
  • Johnny Depp said only 169 words throughout the entire movie.
  • The iconic scissor hands were created by a renowned special effects artist, Stan Winston.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

Edward Scissorhands is a timeless classic that combines Tim Burton’s signature gothic whimsy with a heartwarming story. Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the shy, misunderstood protagonist with a talent for shaping beauty out of the ordinary captivates audiences, while the supporting cast delivers compelling performances that add depth to the suburban fairy tale. The storyline weaves a rich tapestry of themes, including isolation, acceptance, and the clash between the individual and society. Visuals in the movie are striking, with Burton’s iconic style evident in the design of Edward and the contrasting suburban setting. While the movie is deeply entertaining and thought-provoking, some viewers may find its darker undertones and bittersweet ending less appealing. Overall, the movie stands out for its originality, strong performances, and visual appeal, making it a must-watch for fans of fantasy and drama.

Critic Scores

Edward Scissorhands has received a Great Review by the critics.

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