Steve Jobless (2023) -

Steve Jobless (2023)

An introverted office drone struggles with the cutthroat nature of corporate America, facing a pivotal day that challenges his conventional approach. His journey into the competitive corporate world serves as a darkly humorous reflection on capitalism, with his personal trials igniting laughter amidst the pain and confusion.

Length: 1h 57m
Genre: Comedy, Drama
This Title is: A dark comedy that explores the challenges of navigating through corporate America, with an observational and crass comedic tone.

Steve Jobless is New on Apple TV in Canada!



  • Chad Micah Johnson as Steve
  • Angela Barnes as Billing Agent
  • Chris Peso Right Bell as King

Parental Guidance

Content includes themes of corporate challenges, job loss, and the harsh realities of working in a competitive environment, showcased with a humorous lens.


  • Directed and written by Chad Micah Johnson, who also plays the lead role of Steve.
  • The movie was produced on a budget of just $500.
  • Touches on themes such as capitalism, workaholism, and the corporate ladder through a comedic perspective.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

The movie presents a unique blend of comedy and drama, focusing on the relatable struggles within the corporate world. Its low-budget production does not hinder its ability to convey a meaningful narrative, with Chad Micah Johnson delivering a noteworthy performance both in front of and behind the camera. The film’s observational humor and dark comedy elements provide a fresh perspective on the daily grind of office life, making it an engaging watch for those who appreciate humor intertwined with societal commentary.

Critic Scores

Steve Jobless has received a Mix Review by the critics.

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