Sacrifice (2011) -

Sacrifice (2011)

Sacrifice is an action-packed thriller that looks into the life of John Hebron (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.), a tough undercover cop struggling with his past. After a tragic incident involving his family, Hebron finds himself intertwined in a dangerous heroin ring. The story takes a dramatic turn when a young defector from the drug trade, seeking to escape the perilous world, leaves his five-year-old sister in Hebron’s care. As Hebron navigates through the complex web of crime and corruption, he must protect the innocent child while bringing the culprits to justice. The film weaves a gripping narrative of redemption, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of righteousness amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld.

Length: 1h 40m
Genre: Action, Thriller
This Title is: Intense, Suspenseful

Sacrifice is New on Apple TV in Canada!



  • Cuba Gooding Jr. as John Hebron
  • Christian Slater as Father Porter
  • Kim Coates as Arment

Parental Guidance

Maturity Rating: R

Content warnings include strong violence, pervasive language, some drug content, and sexuality.


  • Directed by Canadian filmmaker Damian Lee.
  • Filmed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  • Released direct-to-video.

Our Review

  • Quality:
  • Acting:
  • Storyline:
  • Visuals:
  • Entertainment:

Sacrifice, starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Christian Slater, offers a compelling storyline interwoven with action-packed sequences. While the movie delivers a good dose of suspense and drama, it falls short in terms of character development and plot originality. The performances of the lead actors add depth to the narrative, but the supporting cast and script lack the finesse seen in more critically acclaimed thrillers. Overall, Sacrifice is an engaging watch for fans of the genre, but it doesn’t stand out as a memorable cinematic experience.

Critic Scores

Sacrifice has received a Mix Review by the critics.

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