After a devastating attack on his village, young Wu Shaoxiang seeks vengeance and aims to honor his father’s legacy as a martial artist. Denied entry into the Shaolin Temple, he becomes a groundskeeper and trains secretly, preparing to face the enemy that destroyed his life.
Length: 1h 32m
Genre: Action
This Title is: Exciting
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Ye Jianwei, Chen Ke, Liu Ruicheng, Wang Shasha, Huang Yixin
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: PG-13 – Violence
- The film was directed by Dou Xiao.
- It highlights traditional martial arts and the teachings of the Shaolin Temple.
- Ye Jianwei plays the lead role of Wu Shaoxiang.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
This action-packed story delivers thrilling martial arts sequences that captivate the audience. The protagonist’s journey from despair to strength is inspiring, showcasing determination and resilience. Ye Jianwei’s performance as Wu Shaoxiang adds depth, making the character relatable. The film’s visual aesthetics enhance the viewing experience, offering a blend of tradition and action that keeps viewers engaged throughout.