In this comedic tale, Carl Nargle, a beloved public television painter in Vermont, faces an identity crisis when a younger artist outshines him. As he grapples with his fading fame, Carl’s life takes unexpected turns that challenge his self-worth and relationships.
Length: 1h 36m
Genre: Comedy, Drama
This Title is: Whimsical
Owen Wilson, Michaela Watkins, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Ciara Renée, Stephen Root
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: PG-13 – Some suggestive material
- The screenplay was featured on the Black List for best unproduced screenplays in 2010.
- Owen Wilson’s character is inspired by Bob Ross, the iconic painter and television host.
- The film took 13 years to bring to production.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
Paint is a delightful exploration of creativity and self-discovery. Owen Wilson shines as Carl Nargle, capturing the essence of a charming yet troubled artist. The film balances humor and heartfelt moments, offering an insightful look at the pressures of fame and artistic relevance. The supporting cast enhances the story, making it an enjoyable watch.