In the heart of the 1970s, eleven-year-old Gru aims to become a supervillain and impress the notorious Vicious 6. With help from his loyal Minions, including a new recruit named Otto, he embarks on a chaotic adventure filled with heists and mischief, as they strive to prove themselves.
Length: 87 min
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
This Title is: Fun
Stream Minions: The Rise of Gru on Netflix
Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin, Taraji P. Henson, Alan Arkin, Michelle Yeoh
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: PG – Mild action and rude humor
- This film is a prequel to the Despicable Me series and the sequel to Minions (2015).
- It features a voice cast that includes several notable actors, such as Taraji P. Henson and Julie Andrews.
- The film is set in the vibrant 1970s, capturing the era’s unique style and culture.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
This vibrant animated comedy is a delightful return to the Minions’ antics, showcasing their signature humor and charm. Steve Carell’s portrayal of young Gru is both hilarious and heartwarming, while the animation dazzles with colorful visuals and engaging character designs. The plot is fast-paced and filled with amusing moments, making it an enjoyable experience for audiences of all ages.