This gripping three-part docuseries explores the case of Kaitlyn Conley, a former receptionist claiming wrongful conviction in the 2015 murder of her boss, Mary Yoder. Through interviews and exclusive recordings, Conley shares her story, revealing the complexities of the investigation and her toxic relationship with her ex-boyfriend.
Length: 42 min per episode
Genre: True Crime, Documentary
This Title is: Intense
Stream Little Miss Innocent: Passion. Poison. Prison. on Disney+
Kaitlyn Conley, Mary Yoder, Bill Yoder, Nick Coleman, Isabella Olivas
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: TV-14 – Violence, Thematic Elements
- The docuseries features never-before-seen police interviews and exclusive audio recordings.
- Kaitlyn Conley was convicted in a case that divided her local community in Sauquoit, New York.
- This is the first time Conley speaks publicly since her conviction.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
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- Entertainment:
This docuseries delivers a compelling look into a controversial murder case. Kaitlyn Conley’s candid reflections and the raw materials presented create a powerful story. The inclusion of real audio and interviews enhances the storytelling, making it a gripping exploration of justice, truth, and personal turmoil. Each episode draws viewers in, making it hard to look away.