Halloween Wars returns with an exciting twist, featuring eight teams led by former champions. Contestants will create stunning Halloween-themed displays that capture the essence of iconic monsters. The competition is fierce as they aim to impress judges and win the championship title and a cash prize.
Length: 4 episodes
Genre: Reality, Competition
This Title is: Spooky
Stream Halloween Wars – Season 14 on Discovery+
Jonathan Bennett, Aarti Sequeira, Shinmin Li, Kristina Patenaude, Al Dibartolo
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: TV-PG – Mild thematic elements
- This season features a total of eight teams, each captained by a former champion of the show.
- The grand prize for the winning team is $25,000.
- Episode themes include transforming historical figures into monsters and depicting classic Halloween horrors.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
The fourteenth season of Halloween Wars brings an exciting mix of creativity and competition. The elaborate designs and thematic displays are visually stunning and capture the spirit of Halloween. Jonathan Bennett’s engaging hosting, paired with the insightful critiques from the judges, enhances the competitive atmosphere. Each episode’s unique challenges keep the tension high as teams strive to impress with their artistic talents. This season promises to be a memorable celebration of Halloween artistry.