In this crime drama series, Oswald “Oz” Cobblepot, a mid-level mobster, strives to rise in Gotham’s underworld after the chaos unleashed by The Riddler. As he navigates the treacherous landscape of rival crime families, he confronts old alliances and dangerous foes.
Length: Approximately 6-8 hours (8 episodes)
Genre: Crime, Drama
This Title is: Dark, Intense
Stream The Penguin – Season 1 on Crave
Colin Farrell, Cristin Milioti, Theo Rossi, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Michael Kelly
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: TV-MA – Graphic violence, language
- The series is a spin-off from Matt Reeves’ film The Batman (2022).
- Colin Farrell reprises his role as Oswald Cobblepot, offering a deeper exploration of the character.
- The show was developed by Lauren LeFranc and consists of eight episodes, airing weekly.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
The Penguin offers an engaging glimpse into the criminal underbelly of Gotham, showcasing the complexities of its characters. Colin Farrell’s portrayal of Oswald Cobblepot is both nuanced and captivating, balancing humor with darkness. The show’s intricate storytelling and rich visuals create an immersive experience, inviting viewers into a world filled with power struggles and moral ambiguity. The supporting cast enhances the story, making each episode a compelling watch as alliances shift and tensions rise in the fight for control of Gotham.