In a futuristic cyberpunk world, a seasoned bounty hunter pig named Hitpig is tasked with capturing Pickles, a spirited dancing elephant. Their journey across the globe transforms into an unexpected adventure, leading them to form a unique bond that challenges their initial roles.
Length: 1h 26m
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure
This Title is: Heartwarming, Humorous
Jason Sudeikis, Lilly Singh, Rainn Wilson, Anitta, RuPaul
Parental Guidance
Maturity Rating: PG – Contains action/peril, rude humor, and some thematic elements
- The film is based on Berkeley Breathed’s 2008 children’s book “Pete & Pickles”.
- Directors Cinzia Angelini and David Feiss collaborated to bring this animated feature to life.
- Animation was handled by Cinesite, known for their work on various animated films.
Our Review
- Quality:
- Acting:
- Storyline:
- Visuals:
- Entertainment:
“Hitpig!” delivers a delightful animated experience, blending humor and heart in a futuristic setting. The voice performances, particularly by Jason Sudeikis as Hitpig and Lilly Singh as Pickles, infuse the characters with charm and depth. The storyline offers a refreshing take on friendship and adventure, appealing to both children and adults. Visually, the film captivates with vibrant animation and imaginative world-building. While some plot elements may feel familiar, the overall execution ensures an engaging viewing experience. “Hitpig!” stands out as a commendable addition to the animated genre, providing wholesome entertainment for families.
Critic Scores
Critics have given “Hitpig!” mixed reviews, noting its appeal to younger audiences while pointing out its reliance on familiar tropes. The film’s animation quality and voice acting have been praised, though some critics feel it doesn’t break new ground in the genre.
IMDb Rating: 5.3/10